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Health Savings Accounts - Employer FAQs

No, you do not own your employees' HSAs. The employee fully owns the contributions to the account as soon as they are deposited, just as with a personal checking or savings account to which you would deposit their compensation.

Employee contributions can be made to HSAs on either an after-tax or a pre-tax basis. If made on an after-tax basis they should be counted as an above-the-line deduction on their tax return, effectively making their contributions tax free. If they want to make the contribution pre-tax it can be done through a Section 125 (also called a “salary reduction” or “cafeteria plan”).

As much or as little as you want (while staying below the annual statutory limit on contributions to the account).

No, you can contribute in a lump sum or in any amounts or frequency you wish. However, keep in mind that the funds belong to the employee after they are deposited.

Employer contributions must be “comparable,” meaning they must be made in the same dollar amount or percentage of the employee's deductible for all employees with the same category of coverage. For this purpose, categories of coverage are usually either “self-only” or “family,” although you should consult the comparability regulations regarding the ability to subdivide the family category. You can also vary the level of contributions for “full-time” vs. “part-time” employees. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement are not covered by the comparability rules if health benefits were part of the agreement. You do not need to consider employees who do not have HDHP coverage as they are not eligible for HSA contributions.

Section 125 plans (also known as “salary reduction” or “cafeteria” plans) must meet a different set of rules. Under these plans, contributions (both from employer and/or employee) must meet “non-discrimination” rules. These rules require the employer to ensure that contributions do not favor higher compensated employees.

Yes, but your company can only offer “matching” contributions through a Section 125 plan. Remember that the non-discrimination rules still apply.

Your company can make pre-tax contributions to your employees' HSAs as long as you do so for all eligible employees. However, the comparability rules apply. If you have a Section 125 plan, then the non-discrimination rules apply.

Owners and officers with greater than 2% share of a Subchapter S corporation cannot make pre-tax contributions to their HSAs through the company by salary reduction. In addition, any contributions made to their HSAs by the corporation are taxable as income. However, they can make their own personal contributions to their HSAs and take the "above-the-line" deduction on their personal income taxes.

Partners in a partnership or LLC cannot make pre-tax contributions to their HSAs through the partnership by salary reduction. However, they can make their own personal contributions to their HSAs and take the "above-the-line" deduction on their personal income taxes.

No. Self-employed persons may not contribute to an HSA on a pre-tax basis and may not take the amount of their HSA contribution as a deduction for SECA purposes. However, they may contribute to an HSA with after-tax dollars and take the above-the-line deduction.

This information is intended as a courtesy, not as tax or legal advice. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information. For tax and/or legal advice, consult your accountant or attorney.

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